Learn this secret launch step that you can use to bring in cash while validating your first (or next) offer.

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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


The one invisible step that every successful entrepreneur Takes that no one ever talks about 

It’s the fastest way to get your FIRST (or next) 10 People to Buy from You THIS WEEK

(even if you are brand new, unsure about what to sell, pivoting, or have no audience at all) 



Without the 8,729 Steps the Guru’s say you need …

  • Not one Email written
  • Not one Ad placed
  • Not one Phone call
  • ​Not one LIVE stream
  • ​Not one Post on social 

The Truth Is...

NONE of that is necessary (at first)...

The Duck Launch™!

The Duck Launch™ is the invisible FIRST step that experienced entrepreneurs take that no one talks about!

These other coaches don't even include this step in their courses or programs.

They either...
 Assume you know it (because it’s sooo simple) . . . 
 Don’t want you to know it (because it’s soooo freakin’ powerful)...


It Gives You a Cash Injection Whenever You WANT!!!

I brought my first company to

over a million by the time I was 25

and when I moved to the online space after decades of teaching sales . . . 

I was BOMBARDED with:

 “grow your email list’ 

“you need Facebook ads

“you must build funnels

But First...

I had a question

“How do you know if YOUR idea is a proven winner, before you start investing time, energy and money?”


The caveat they all whispered under their breath was... 

“you have to VALIDATE your offer first.” 

I asked them how THEY were doing it . . . 
And THAT’s where I started to SEE the PROBLEM so many smart business owners were having.

Here's what they shared with me:

Problem #1 The Ad Gamble

“Do a $1,000 ad test”

Woah, back up there for one money down the drain moment!

This felt like a gamble ( … and that’s why sooo many business owners will proudly tell you about their 37 failures and the $$$$ lost BEFORE they made any profit)

Problem #2 Build It, They Will Come Myth 

The “I need to build it first…” myth

Well, Hello “VC Funding” and “The J Curve” … and making NO MONEY for the first 5 YEARS! 

Problem #3 What Will They Buy 

(And For How Much?)

“Ask your customers what they want…”
Which leads to TWO BIG issues: 
1. What if you don’t have any customers to ask (YET)??? 
2. What customers say they want and what customers buy (a.k.a. open their wallets for) are usually two different things!
With this Invisible Step,

Validating an offer is easy. . .

and its IMPORTANCE shouldn't be underestimated.

The BIG names I’ve worked with over my years in selling would NEVER have put resources (Time Or Money) behind an offer unless it was proven to be the hottest thing since sliced bread FIRST.

Launching doesn’t have to be complicated!

I have nothing against those big bells and whistle launches, heck… I’ve got a fair few under my belt, (and so have my clients)...


Here’s Where Most People Screw Up When They Plan A Launch:

They PLAN to launch (which takes time, money and expertise), get OVERWHELMED, and Launch NADA… which means: no profit coming in, your expertise remains the BIGGEST secret out there, and no happy clients singing your praises.
The tech: abandon cart emails, sales pages, timer boxes, countdowns, video testimonials, Facebook ads... all of that stuff . You shouldn't even touch those UNTIL YOU KNOW "IF" YOUR PRODUCT WILL SELL!
Even having ALL the bells and whistles does NOT guarantee a successful launch. You could find yourself $$$$ lighter with a ‘gorgeously designed’ offer - that no one is buying… because regardless of what Kevin Costner says “If you build it, they will 'NOT necessarily' come.” 


The Best Way To Make Sure That Your Next BIG Launch Becomes A Champagne Celebration Is To Validate Your Idea With An Easy To Do (If You Know How) Nearly No-Cost DUCK LAUNCH

What is a Duck Launch™?

I’m sooo glad you asked...

Well, it’s something that has made many smart business owners a LOT of money, but more importantly it validates an idea and PAYS YOU along the way!!

It’s the single most important step that makes all of their offers “APPEAR” to go from idea to sold out. . .

You just don’t ever SEE the ideas that didn’t work


Because they take an important invisible step BEFORE they build ANYTHING. Before they put time, money, or their valuable resources into what it actually takes to build that "million dollar funnel".

Hey, Pleased To Meet You! 

I’m Renee Hribar (the “H’ is silent) and I’ve sold millions of dollars in products and services while training thousands of people to successfully sell for the first time without feeling sales-y, neglecting their family, or investing their savings on a hope and a dream.

After working with so many smart business owners who felt challenged by sales, I realized that they struggle immensely with how to package up their expertise and offer it to people in a way that feels natural, easy, AND is actually profitable.

So I Created A Simple, Easy Going, Low-Stress Launch Plan That Can Be Created, Sold And Delivered this Week!!

The system can be used over and over again with any offer you can dream up.  

  • High Ticket Group Program (yes)
  • Low Cost Weekend Workshop (you betcha)
  • Paid Audits or Private Sessions (this too)

The Duck Launch™

Is So Simple And Stress-Free That You Can Even Use It (As Many Of My Clients Have) When . . .
Looking After A New Baby
Traveling With Time Zone Changes And Unreliable Internet 
Still In A Full-Time Career 
(while Creating a Side Hustle)

You CAN Duck Launch™

Even If You Can Barely Cobble Together A Few Hours To Work On Your Business

The Duck Launch Is Perfect If You Want To Have Cash Coming In, Make New Connections, And Grow (All While Validating Your Offers).

The Duck Launch Does Not Require 8 Weeks Of Planning, Or 4 Weeks Of Execution Or ANY Spreadsheets (BONUS: NO Sleepless Nights).

The Duck Launch Protects You (And Your Ego) From Failed Launches, Makes You Money NOWAnd Saves Your Precious Time.

A Duck Launch Is Perfect For You

If You Don’t Want To . . .
  • Get on 100 discovery calls a month to sell spots in your program
  • Write a sales page (so.many.words)
  • Do a webinar (I have loads of clients who have hit six figures with a product and NEVER needed to host a webinar) 
  • Create email sequences (sooooo much writing)
  • Host a challenge (that only attracts freebie seekers)
  • Pay for Facebook ads (that feel like money on your front lawn)

And It Works Even If You're a Total Newbie With No Website And No List . . .

But you don’t have to take my word for it!

What Duck Launchers Have To Say:

“I would have never thought to test my idea out like this. . . but it worked! I actually made $3,000 this week on a totally new idea. Thanks Renee!”


“I was convinced I needed to at LEAST send an email, but Renee said I didn’t need to and to wait until AFTER I Duck Launched my new group program FIRST. The first time I tried this I made $7,000 in just a few days with just this simple totally “under the water” Ducking Method (an introvert's dream).”


“Renee, I am reporting back that I have already sold three spots in my new weekend workshop using your “Duck Launch” Method. I’ll be honest, I was super skeptical and thought that it wouldn’t work. My goal is to sell 2 more and I already have so many more people to DUCK to, thanks to you. Thank you for opening my eyes to this!”


Ready To Learn How To Do The Same?

The Duck Launch™

The Duck Launch™ is the invisible FIRST step that experienced entrepreneurs take that no one talks about!

Let's Break It Down:

The Unsinkable Sales System

(Valued at $650)

This fun workshop series reveals the Invisible Step that can help YOU turn ANY idea into a new income stream this WEEK!!! 

The So Ducking Simple Sales Workbook

(Valued at $100)

Discover Your Next Million Dollar Idea and Duck Launch it TODAY! This Step-by-Step Playbook ensures you avoid the common pitfalls that keep those $$$$$$$$ ideas stuck in your notebook.

The Just Keep Swimming Sales Swipe File

(Valued at $150)

Word for word what to share (and with who) so that you don't waste time or money.

Will It Float Success Analyzer

(Valued at $100)

How to evaluate if your idea is worth investing in or if it's time to reimagine it (It's NOT just the Sales that tell this story). 



Join me LIVE during the Implementation Session on Thursday, July 11th 1:00 PM Eastern. This fun-filled session implementing the strategies together will give YOU on-the-spot feedback to get YOUR offer launched!

The Duck Launch™

The Duck Launch™ is the invisible FIRST step that experienced entrepreneurs take that no one talks about!
Total Value = $2,000
Today Only = $97




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Frequently Asked Questions


My Promise To You

The truth is, most guarantees speak to people who are unsure and not committed to taking action. But I don’t believe that’s you. I believe you are resourceful and hard-working - so I have no doubt that you will invest the time to implement the Duck Launch System and see success. 

I only want you to purchase this course if you are able to commit to taking action. In return, my promise to you is to share EXACTLY what I have been teaching fast growing companies for years (for a FRACTION of the cost - shhhhh don't tell)

To protect my intellectual property, there will not be a money-back guarantee. I’m investing my entirety into this course, and I expect to see the same commitment and effort from you in return.
© 2024 by Renee Hribar - All Rights Reserved.